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Federating School Websites: Developing a Federation Platform for Multiple Websites with Commonalities, 2016

by 가치를 만드는 지식 혁신가 2016. 10. 15.

저자   Jungwoo Lee, Jun-Gi Park

게시 날짜 2016/12

저널 International Journal of Information, Business and Management

권 8

호 8 


Abstract Websites are now proliferating as most popular communication channels. In these 

days of smart working and learning, as students and parents demands the convenience of 

the access through Internet for communicating with schools and teachers, every school 

across different levels and grades build and maintain class websites. Most schools are 

experiencing problems in building and maintaining these websites as time and efforts need 

to be concerted beyond their expertise. However, schools in a same district share ...
